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Laser cladding of stainless-steel ball valves by a high-power diode laser source with a rectangular beam spot 期刊论文
Optics and Laser Technology, 2024, 卷号: 169, 页码: 7
Authors:  H. B. Zhu, X. C. Lin, X. L. Xue, Y. W. Zhang, L. J. Wang, Y. Q. Ning, Y. J. Dong and X. Fang
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三自由度压电偏摆台耦合迟滞模型建模与逆补偿 期刊论文
光学精密工程, 2023, 卷号: 31, 期号: 20, 页码: 2964-2974
Authors:  司马津甫;  赖磊捷;  李朋志;  方宇;  朱利民
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微振动对高性能航天器指向测量影响的仿真与试验 期刊论文
深空探测学报(中英文), 2023, 卷号: 10, 期号: 03, 页码: 277-282
Authors:  李林;  龚小雪;  朱飞虎;  于洋;  赵琴;  张雷;  张运方;  武延鹏;  王立
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50 mm白光球载日冕仪 I.基本结构与地面观测实验 期刊论文
中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学, 2023, 卷号: 53, 期号: 05, 页码: 154-180
Authors:  林隽;  宋腾飞;  孙明哲;  张涛;  许方宇;  王晶星;  付玉;  李燕;  康凯锋;  黄旻;  刘洋;  周江华;  张晓军;  夏利东;  张红鑫;  刘大洋;  宋红强;  田晖;  皮晓宇;  伏红林;  张雪飞;  赵明宇;  刘煜;  李语强;  金振宇;  宋海军
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基于最小三角形算法的室内可见光三维定位方法 期刊论文
光通信技术, 2023, 卷号: 47, 期号: 01, 页码: 68-72
Authors:  方智敬;  陈媛;  王俊杰;  林星辰
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The AlN lattice-polarity inversion in a high-temperature-annealed c-oriented AlN/sapphire originated from the diffusion of Al and O atoms from sapphire 期刊论文
Nanoscale Advances, 2023, 卷号: 6, 期号: 2, 页码: 418-427
Authors:  K. Jiang;  J. Ben;  X. Sun;  Z. Shi;  X. Wang;  T. Fang;  S. Zhang;  S. Lv;  Y. Chen;  Y. Jia;  H. Zang;  M. Liu and D. Li
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Conv-Former: A Novel Network Combining Convolution and Self-Attention for Image Quality Assessment 期刊论文
Sensors, 2023, 卷号: 23, 期号: 1
Authors:  L. Han;  H. Lv;  Y. Zhao;  H. Liu;  G. Bi;  Z. Yin and Y. Fang
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Visualization and Object Detection Based on Event Information 期刊论文
Sensors, 2023, 卷号: 23, 期号: 4
Authors:  Y. Fang;  Y. Piao;  X. Xie;  M. Li;  X. Li;  H. Ji;  W. Xu and T. Gao
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Freeform reflector light source used for space traceable spectral radiance calibration on the solar reflected band 期刊论文
Optics Express, 2023, 卷号: 31, 期号: 5, 页码: 8049-8067
Authors:  Y. Jiang;  J. Tian;  W. Fang;  D. Hu and X. Ye
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Aperture division multispectral camera for the Earth’s reflected solar radiation observation based on the Lagrange L1 point of the Earth-Moon system 期刊论文
Optics Express, 2023, 卷号: 31, 期号: 23, 页码: 38077-38096
Authors:  H. Zhang, X. Ye, Y. Wang, D. Wu, D. Yang and W. Fang
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