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太阳光谱辐照度天地一体化观测与比对研究 期刊论文
激光杂志, 2022, 卷号: 43, 期号: 10, 页码: 12-16
Authors:  韩文耀;  黄煜;  李乐;  李占峰;  顾国超;  杨小虎;  黄富祥;  王彪
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基于临空无人机位姿运动估计的无缝扫描成像控制 期刊论文
激光杂志, 2022, 卷号: 43, 期号: 05, 页码: 13-16
Authors:  王雪;  李乐;  刘志明;  刘重阳;  王彪
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风云三号黎明星太阳辐照度光谱仪系统噪声与稳定性分析 期刊论文
激光杂志, 2022, 卷号: 43, 期号: 04, 页码: 17-22
Authors:  雷宽;  李乐;  黄煜;  李占峰;  杨小虎;  王彪
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光电探测系统噪声特性研究与降噪设计 期刊论文
光学精密工程, 2020, 卷号: 28, 期号: 12, 页码: 2674-2683
Authors:  李乐;  汪龙祺;  黄煜;  林冠宇;  王维彪;  张航;  宋悦铭
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光电倍增管  噪声  高压电源  纹波  信噪比  
Upconversion properties and temperature sensing behaviors in visible and near-infrared region based on fluorescence intensity ratio in LuVO4 Yb3+Er3+ 期刊论文
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 卷号: 769, 页码: 325-331
Authors:  Ma, Y.;  Xiang, G. T.;  Zhang, J. H.;  Liu, Z.;  Zhou, P.;  Liu, W.;  Tang, X.;  Jiang, S.;  Zhou, X. J.;  Li, L.;  Luo, Y. S.;  Jin, Y.
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Energy transfer  Upconversion  Fluorescence intensity ratio  Optical  thermometry  LuVO4: Yb3+/Er3+  hydrothermal synthesis  hexagonal-phase  luminescence  er3+  yb3+  nanocrystals  thermometry  lanthanide  phosphor  emission  Chemistry  Materials Science  Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering  
Analytical method for the transformation of Zernike polynomial coefficients for scaled, rotated, and translated pupils 期刊论文
Applied Optics, 2018, 卷号: 57, 期号: 34, 页码: F22-F30
Authors:  Li, L.;  Zhang, B.;  Xu, Y. S.;  Wang, D. J.
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optical aberrations  systems  Optics  
Towards efficient and stable multi-color carbon nanoparticle phosphors synergy between inner polar groups and outer silica matrix 期刊论文
Science China-Materials, 2018, 卷号: 61, 期号: 9, 页码: 1191-1200
Authors:  Liu, K. K.;  Zhou, R.;  Liang, Y. C.;  Guo, C. Z.;  Xu, Z. K.;  Shan, C. X.;  Li, L.;  Shen, D. Z.
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carbon nanoparticle  phosphor  multi-color  light-emitting devices  graphene quantum dots  fluorescent ink  green  nitrogen  nanodots  luminescence  emission  facile  Materials Science  
The influence of flywheel micro vibration on space camera and vibration suppression 期刊论文
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018, 卷号: 100, 页码: 360-370
Authors:  Li, L.;  Tan, L. Y.;  Kong, L.;  Wang, D.;  Yang, H. B.
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Flywheel  Micro vibration  Space camera  Vibration isolator  Angular  displacement  reaction wheel  Engineering  
基于PID自整定算法的高精度滤光片热控系统设计 期刊论文
激光杂志, 2015, 期号: 03, 页码: 7-9
Authors:  李乐;  张佩杰;  宋克非;  王彪
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广角极光成像仪  滤光片  Pid算法  自整定  
基于迭代方法的的高精度非球面补偿镜设计与检测 学位论文
: 中国科学院大学, 2014
Authors:  李乐
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非球面检测  补偿镜  迭代  公差分配  折射率均匀性