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Modeling and Disturbance Compensation Sliding Mode Control for Solar Array Drive Assembly System 期刊论文
Aerospace, 2023, 卷号: 10, 期号: 6, 页码: 24
Authors:  J. Liang;  H. G. Jia;  M. S. Chen;  L. B. Kong;  H. Y. Hu and L. H. Guo
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A microfluidic immunosensor for automatic detection of carcinoembryonic antigen based on immunomagnetic separation and droplet arrays 期刊论文
Analyst, 2023, 卷号: 148, 期号: 9, 页码: 1939-1947
Authors:  H. Hu;  G. Cai;  Z. Gao;  C. Liang;  F. Yang;  X. Dou;  C. Jia;  J. Zhao;  S. Feng and B. Li
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Topologically optimized concentric-nanoring metalens with 1 mm diameter, 0.8 NA and 600 nm imaging resolution in the visible 期刊论文
Optics Express, 2023, 卷号: 31, 期号: 6, 页码: 10489-10499
Authors:  Z. Jin;  Y. Lin;  C. Wang;  Y. Han;  B. Li;  J. Zhang;  X. Zhang;  P. Jia;  Y. Hu;  Q. Liu;  H. Duan;  J. G. Korvink;  Y. Li;  H. Jiang and Y. Deng
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Geomorphic contexts and science focus of the Zhurong landing site on Mars 期刊论文
Nature Astronomy, 2022, 卷号: 6, 期号: 1, 页码: 65-+
Authors:  J. J. Liu;  C. L. Li;  R. Q. Zhang;  W. Rao;  X. F. Cui;  Y. Geng;  Y. Jia;  H. Huang;  X. Ren;  W. Yan;  X. G. Zeng;  W. B. Wen;  X. Wang;  X. Y. Gao;  Q. Fu;  Y. Zhu;  J. H. Dong;  H. T. Li;  X. Z. Wang;  W. Zuo;  Y. Su;  D. Q. Kong and H. B. Zhang
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Interfacial Stress-Modulated Mechanosensitive Upconversion Luminescence of NaErF4 Based Heteroepitaxial Core-Shell Nanoparticles 期刊论文
Advanced Optical Materials, 2022, 卷号: 10, 期号: 2, 页码: 9
Authors:  H. Q. Bao;  W. Wang;  X. Li;  X. M. Liu;  L. Zhang;  X. Yan;  Y. H. Wang;  C. G. Wang;  X. T. Jia;  P. Sun;  X. G. Kong;  H. Zhang and G. Y. Lu
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Interfacial Stress-Modulated Mechanosensitive Upconversion Luminescence of NaErF4 Based Heteroepitaxial CoreShell Nanoparticles 期刊论文
Advanced Optical Materials, 2022, 卷号: 10, 期号: 2
Authors:  H. Bao;  W. Wang;  X. Li;  X. Liu;  L. Zhang;  X. Yan;  Y. Wang;  C. Wang;  X. Jia;  P. Sun;  X. Kong;  H. Zhang and G. Lu
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High-Efficiency Broadband Polarization-Independent Reflective Grating with Double-Layer Dielectric Rectangle Groove in Littrow Mounting 期刊论文
Applied Sciences-Basel, 2022, 卷号: 12, 期号: 17, 页码: 10
Authors:  G. Jin;  W. Jia;  Bayanheshig;  Y. F. Xie and C. H. Zhou
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Arbitrary cylindrical vector beam generation enabled by polarization-selective Gouy phase shifter 期刊论文
Photonics Research, 2021, 卷号: 9, 期号: 6, 页码: 1048-1054
Authors:  J. Jia;  K. Zhang;  G. Hu;  M. Hu;  T. Tong;  Q. Mu;  H. Gao;  F. Li;  C.-W. Qiu and P. Zhang
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Taiji program in space for gravitational universe with the first run key technologies test in Taiji-1 期刊论文
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2021, 卷号: 36, 期号: 11N12, 页码: 2
Authors:  Y. L. Wu;  Z. R. Luo;  J. Y. Wang;  M. Bai;  W. Bian;  H. W. Cai;  R. G. Cai;  Z. M. Cai;  J. Cao;  B. Chen;  D. J. Chen;  G. F. Chen;  K. Chen;  L. Chen;  L. S. Chen;  M. W. Chen;  W. B. Chen;  Y. Chen;  Z. Y. Chen;  Y. X. Chi;  L. X. Cong;  J. F. Deng;  X. Q. Deng;  X. L. Dong;  L. Duan;  D. Fan;  S. Q. Fan;  S. S. Fan;  C. Fang;  Y. Fang;  K. Feng;  J. C. Feng;  P. Feng;  Z. Feng;  C. Gao;  R. H. Gao;  R. L. Gao;  B. Guo;  T. Guo;  X. L. Guo;  X. Guo;  Z. K. Guo;  J. W. He;  J. B. He;  X. Hou;  L. Hu;  W. R. Hu;  Z. Q. Hu;  M. J. Huang;  J. J. Jia;  K. L. Jiang;  G. Jin;  H. B. Jin;  B. P. Kang;  Q. Kang;  F. L. Kong;  J. G. Lei;  B. Q. Li;  C. H. Li;  D. J. Li;  F. Li;  H. S. Li;  H. D. Li;  H. W. Li;  J. Li;  L. F. Li;  W. Li;  X. K. Li;  Y. M. Li;  Y. G. Li;  Y. P. Li;  Y. P. Li;  Z. Li;  Z. Li;  H. Liang;  H. Lin;  Z. Y. Lin;  C. Liu;  D. B. Liu;  H. S. Liu;  H. Liu;  P. Liu;  Y. R. Liu;  Z. Y. Lu;  H. W. Luo;  J. Luo;  F. L. Ma;  L. F. Ma;  X. S. Ma;  X. Ma;  Y. C. Man;  J. C. Mao;  J. Min;  Y. Niu;  J. K. Peng;  X. D. Peng;  K. Q. Qi;  L. E. Qiang;  C. F. Qiao;  Y. X. Qu;  W. H. Ruan;  W. Sha;  J. Shen;  X. J. Shi;  R. Shu;  J. Su;  P. Su;  Y. L. Sui;  G. W. Sun;  H. P. Tan;  W. L. Tang;  H. J. Tao;  W. Z. Tao;  Z. Tian;  L. F. Wan;  C. Y. Wang;  J. Wang;  J. Wang;  J. B. Wang;  L. L. Wang;  P. C. Wang;  S. X. Wang;  X. P. Wang;  Y. F. Wang;  Y. K. Wang;  Z. Wang;  Z. L. Wang;  Y. Q. Wei;  Y. X. Wei;  D. Wu;  L. M. Wu;  P. Z. Wu;  Z. H. Wu;  D. X. Xi;  Y. F. Xie;  G. F. Xin;  H. T. Xu;  L. X. Xu;  P. Xu;  S. Y. Xu;  Y. Xu;  B. Xue;  D. T. Xue;  S. W. Xue;  Z. B. Xue;  C. Yang;  R. Yang;  S. J. Yang;  S. Yang;  Y. Yang;  Z. G. Yang;  Y. L. Yin;  D. L. Yu;  J. P. Yu;  T. Yu;  A. B. Zhang;  B. Zhang;  C. Zhang;  M. Zhang;  J. Zhang;  R. J. Zhang;  X. F. Zhang;  X. Q. Zhang;  X. Q. Zhang;  Y. H. Zhang;  Y. Z. Zhang;  Y. Z. Zhang;  M. Y. Zhao;  J. Zhao;  W. W. Zhao;  Y. Zhao;  J. H. Zheng;  C. Y. Zhou;  Y. Zhou;  R. Zhu;  X. C. Zhu;  X. Y. Zhu;  Z. C. Zhu;  X. B. Zou;  Z. M. Zou and C. Taiji Sci
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Systematic Error Correction for Geo-Location of Airborne Optoelectronic Platforms 期刊论文
Applied Sciences-Basel, 2021, 卷号: 11, 期号: 22, 页码: 20
Authors:  H. Sun;  H. G. Jia;  L. A. Wang;  F. Xu and J. H. Liu
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