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Laser cladding of stainless-steel ball valves by a high-power diode laser source with a rectangular beam spot 期刊论文
Optics and Laser Technology, 2024, 卷号: 169, 页码: 7
Authors:  H. B. Zhu, X. C. Lin, X. L. Xue, Y. W. Zhang, L. J. Wang, Y. Q. Ning, Y. J. Dong and X. Fang
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引力波望远镜的装调误差对TTL耦合噪声的影响 期刊论文
光学学报, 2023, 卷号: 43, 期号: 19, 页码: 192-199
Authors:  崔新旭;  方超;  王智
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空间引力波探测前向杂散光测量和抑制 期刊论文
中国光学(中英文), 2023, 卷号: 16, 期号: 05, 页码: 1081-1088
Authors:  冷荣宽;  王上;  王智;  陈志伟;  方超
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基于航空单目相机的目标定位技术 期刊论文
中国光学(中英文), 2023, 卷号: 16, 期号: 02, 页码: 305-317
Authors:  王鑫;  李玉芳;  任航;  韩松伟;  刘立刚;  孙明超;  宋策
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The Influence of On-Orbit Micro-Vibration on Space Gravitational Wave Detection 期刊论文
Photonics, 2023, 卷号: 10, 期号: 8, 页码: 11
Authors:  Z. W. Chen, C. Fang, Z. P. Wang, C. X. Yan and Z. Wang
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Influence of Installation and Adjustment Error of Gravitational Wave Telescope on TTL Noise 期刊论文
Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica, 2023, 卷号: 43, 期号: 19
Authors:  X. Cui, C. Fang and Z. Wang
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Measurement and suppression of forward stray light for spaceborne gravitational wave detection 期刊论文
Chinese Optics, 2023, 卷号: 16, 期号: 5, 页码: 1081-1088
Authors:  R.-K. Leng;  S. Wang;  Z. Wang;  Z.-W. Chen and C. Fang
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Effective Optical Scattering Range Determination Based on Ray Tracing 期刊论文
Applied Sciences-Basel, 2023, 卷号: 13, 期号: 1, 页码: 12
Authors:  R. K. Leng;  Z. W. Chen;  S. Wang;  Z. Wang and C. Fang
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A novel cascade signal amplification strategy integrating CRISPR/Cas13a and branched hybridization chain reaction for ultra-sensitive and specific SERS detection of disease-related nucleic acids 期刊论文
Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2023, 卷号: 219, 页码: 10
Authors:  J. J. Zhang;  C. Y. Song;  Y. F. Zhu;  H. Y. Gan;  X. Y. Fang;  Q. Peng;  J. R. Xiong;  C. Dong;  C. Q. Han and L. H. Wang
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引力波望远镜的装调误差对TTL噪声的影响研究 期刊论文
光学学报, 2023, 页码: 1-16
Authors:  崔新旭;  方超;  王智
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