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A scintillating nanoplatform with upconversion function for the synergy of radiation and photodynamic therapies for deep tumors 期刊论文
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2022, 卷号: 10, 期号: 2, 页码: 688-695
Authors:  Y. S. Feng;  X. M. Liu;  Q. Q. Li;  S. L. Mei;  K. F. Wu;  J. Yuan;  L. P. Tu;  I. Que;  F. Tamburini;  F. Baldazzi;  A. Chan;  L. J. Cruz;  J. Zuo;  C. J. Yao and H. Zhang
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In vivo 808 nm image-guided photodynamic therapy based on an upconversion theranostic nanoplatform (vol 7, pg 14914, 2015) 期刊论文
Nanoscale, 2016, 卷号: 8, 期号: 33
Authors:  Liu, X. M.;  I. Que;  X. G. Kong;  Y. L. Zhang;  L. P. Tu;  Y. L. Chang;  T. T. Wang;  A. Chan;  C. Lowik and H. Zhang
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In vivo 808 nm image-guided photodynamic therapy based on an upconversion theranostic nanoplatform 期刊论文
Nanoscale, 2015, 卷号: 7, 期号: 36, 页码: 14914-14923
Authors:  Liu, X. M.;  I. Que;  X. G. Kong;  Y. L. Zhang;  L. P. Tu;  Y. L. Chang;  T. T. Wang;  A. Chan;  C. Lowik and H. Zhang
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