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MAX-DOAS Measurements of Tropospheric NO2 and HCHO Vertical Profiles at the Longfengshan Regional Background Station in Northeastern China 期刊论文
Sensors, 2023, 卷号: 23, 期号: 6, 页码: 17
Authors:  S. Y. Liu;  S. Y. Cheng;  J. Z. Ma;  X. B. Xu;  J. G. Lv;  J. L. Jin;  J. R. Guo;  D. J. Yu and X. Dai
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Visible to mid-infrared giant in-plane optical anisotropy in ternary van der Waals crystals 期刊论文
Nature Communications, 2023, 卷号: 14, 期号: 1, 页码: 8
Authors:  Y. Z. Feng;  R. K. Chen;  J. B. He;  L. J. Qi;  Y. A. Zhang;  T. Sun;  X. D. Zhu;  W. M. Liu;  W. L. Ma;  W. F. Shen;  C. G. Hu;  X. J. Sun;  D. B. Li;  R. J. Zhang;  P. N. Li and S. J. Li
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A low-frequency micro-vibration absorber based on a designable quasi-zero stiffness beam 期刊论文
Aerospace Science and Technology, 2023, 卷号: 132
Authors:  X. Lian;  H. Deng;  G. Han;  F. Jiang;  L. Zhu;  M. Shao;  X. Liu;  R. Hu;  Y. Gao;  M. Ma and X. Zhong
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High-Performance Photodetector Based on Bi2Se3/GeSe Heterojunction with Band Alignment Evolution 期刊论文
Advanced Optical Materials, 2023, 页码: 8
Authors:  Y. H. Li;  M. Q. Che;  N. Zhang;  Y. T. Zou;  X. Y. Zhao;  Y. C. Lin;  B. C. Lv;  X. B. Ma;  Y. R. Shi;  J. J. Yang;  X. J. Sun;  S. J. Li and D. B. Li
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Simultaneously improving the quality factor and outcoupling efficiency of organic light-emitting field- effect transistors with planar microcavity 期刊论文
Optics Express, 2023, 卷号: 31, 期号: 2, 页码: 2480-2491
Authors:  Q. X. Gong;  W. B. Zhang;  J. R. He;  F. Y. Ma;  L. Song;  L. W. Cheng;  J. Zhang;  L. J. Wang and Y. S. Hu
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Inhibiting Nonradiative Recombination and Scattering Losses via Ultrafast Pulse Irradiation for Enhanced Perovskite Lasing 期刊论文
ACS Photonics, 2023, 卷号: 10, 期号: 9, 页码: 3255-3265
Authors:  R. A. Rajan, X. Ma, D. Li, Z. Shi, W. Yu and J. Yang
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Nanoflower-like high-entropy Ni-Fe-Cr-Mn-Co (oxy)hydroxides for oxygen evolution 期刊论文
Chemical Communications, 2023, 卷号: 59, 期号: 80, 页码: 11971-11974
Authors:  M. Y. Shi, T. M. Tang, L. Y. Xiao, J. Y. Han, X. Bai, Y. H. Sun, S. Y. Chen, J. R. Sun, Y. Y. Ma and J. Q. Guan
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Impact of Spectral Resolution and Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Vis-NIR Spectrometry on Soil Organic Matter Estimation 期刊论文
Remote Sensing, 2023, 卷号: 15, 期号: 18, 页码: 23
Authors:  B. Yu, J. Yuan, C. X. Yan, J. W. Xu, C. R. Ma and H. Dai
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Ultrafast photothermoelectric effect in Dirac semimetallic Cd3As2 revealed by terahertz emission 期刊论文
Nature Communications, 2022, 卷号: 13, 期号: 1, 页码: 9
Authors:  W. Lu;  Z. P. Fan;  Y. K. Yang;  J. C. Ma;  J. W. Lai;  X. M. Song;  X. Zhuo;  Z. R. Xu;  J. Liu;  X. D. Hu;  S. Y. Zhou;  F. X. Xiu;  J. L. Cheng and D. Sun
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Wave Aberration Correction for an Unobscured Off-Axis Three-Mirror Astronomical Telescope Using an Aberration Field Compensation Mechanism 期刊论文
Applied Sciences-Basel, 2022, 卷号: 12, 期号: 21, 页码: 15
Authors:  J. X. Wang;  X. He;  X. H. Zhang;  M. Z. Ma and Z. R. Cao
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