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A full range of defect passivation strategy targeting efficient and stable planar perovskite solar cells 期刊论文
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 卷号: 451, 页码: 10
Authors:  Y. S. Sun;  S. Yang;  Z. Y. Pang;  H. P. Jiang;  S. H. Chi;  X. X. Sun;  L. Fan;  F. Y. Wang;  X. Y. Liu;  M. B. Wei;  L. L. Yang and J. H. Yang
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Ultrafast photothermoelectric effect in Dirac semimetallic Cd3As2 revealed by terahertz emission 期刊论文
Nature Communications, 2022, 卷号: 13, 期号: 1, 页码: 9
Authors:  W. Lu;  Z. P. Fan;  Y. K. Yang;  J. C. Ma;  J. W. Lai;  X. M. Song;  X. Zhuo;  Z. R. Xu;  J. Liu;  X. D. Hu;  S. Y. Zhou;  F. X. Xiu;  J. L. Cheng and D. Sun
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Unveiling Weyl-related optical responses in semiconducting tellurium by mid-infrared circular photogalvanic effect 期刊论文
Nature Communications, 2022, 卷号: 13, 期号: 1, 页码: 7
Authors:  J. C. Ma;  B. Cheng;  L. Li;  Z. P. Fan;  H. M. Mu;  J. W. Lai;  X. M. Song;  D. H. Yang;  J. L. Cheng;  Z. F. Wang;  C. G. Zeng and D. Sun
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A tandem radiative/evaporative cooler for weather-insensitive and high-performance daytime passive cooling 期刊论文
Science Advances, 2022, 卷号: 8, 期号: 32, 页码: 10
Authors:  J. L. Li;  X. Y. Wang;  D. Liang;  N. Xu;  B. Zhu;  W. Li;  P. C. Yao;  Y. Jiang;  X. Z. Min;  Z. Z. Huang;  S. N. Zhu;  S. H. Fan and J. Zhu
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Size effects of AlGaInP red vertical micro-LEDs on silicon substrate 期刊论文
Results in Physics, 2022, 卷号: 36, 页码: 6
Authors:  K. L. Fan;  J. Tao;  Y. Z. Zhao;  P. Y. Li;  W. C. Sun;  L. C. Zhu;  J. G. Lv;  Y. X. Qin;  Q. Wang;  J. Q. Liang and W. B. Wang
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The facilities and performance of TianQin laser ranging station 期刊论文
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2022, 卷号: 39, 期号: 12, 页码: 20
Authors:  C. S. Zhang;  T. Q. Gao;  Y. Y. Cao;  Z. W. Fan;  H. L. Fu;  D. F. Gu;  X. D. Han;  Y. T. Huang;  L. Kang;  K. Li;  M. Li;  R. W. Li;  Y. Q. Li;  Z. L. Li;  Z. B. Li;  J. X. Lian;  J. C. Liu;  Q. Liu;  S. Q. Liu;  Y. Liu;  J. W. Mei;  X. Y. Pi;  C. G. Shao;  J. Sun;  Y. J. Tan;  Y. H. Tang;  L. C. Tu;  P. P. Wang;  S. J. Wang;  P. H. Wu;  Q. L. Wu;  L. Xiong;  Y. H. Xiong;  C. Xue;  Y. Yan;  S. Q. Yang;  H. C. Yeh;  D. S. Zhai;  H. T. Zhang;  H. B. Zhang;  L. B. Zhang;  L. H. Zhang;  H. C. Zhao;  G. D. Zhou and J. Luo
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Direct Light Orbital Angular Momentum Detection in Mid-Infrared Based on the Type-II Weyl Semimetal TaIrTe4 期刊论文
Advanced Materials, 2022, 卷号: 34, 期号: 29, 页码: 9
Authors:  J. W. Lai;  J. C. Ma;  Z. P. Fan;  X. M. Song;  P. Yu;  Z. Liu;  P. Zhang;  Y. Shi;  J. L. Cheng and D. Sun
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Flexible Quantum-Dot Color-Conversion Layer Based on Microfluidics for Full-Color Micro-LEDs 期刊论文
Micromachines, 2022, 卷号: 13, 期号: 3, 页码: 10
Authors:  P. Y. Li;  J. Tao;  Y. Z. Zhao;  Y. F. Sun;  K. L. Fan;  L. C. Zhu;  W. C. Sun;  J. G. Lv;  Y. X. Qin;  Q. Wang;  Q. H. Zeng;  W. B. Wang;  S. R. Wang and J. Q. Liang
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Deconvoluting the energy transport mechanisms in all-inorganic CsPb2Br5/CsPbBr3 perovskite composite systems 期刊论文
Apl Materials, 2022, 卷号: 10, 期号: 3, 页码: 10
Authors:  Y. P. Wang;  F. Wang;  G. B. Zhu;  Q. Quan;  Z. X. Lai;  Y. Meng;  Y. Fan;  S. P. Yip;  D. X. Zhao and J. C. Ho
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Subambient daytime radiative cooling textile based on nanoprocessed silk 期刊论文
Nature Nanotechnology, 2021, 卷号: 16, 期号: 12, 页码: 1342-1348
Authors:  B. Zhu;  W. Li;  Q. Zhang;  D. Li;  X. Liu;  Y. Wang;  N. Xu;  Z. Wu;  J. Li;  X. Li;  P. B. Catrysse;  W. Xu;  S. Fan and J. Zhu
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