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A novel multifunctional magnetically recyclable BiOBr/ZnFe2O4-GO S-scheme ternary heterojunction: Photothermal synergistic catalysis under Vis/NIR light and NIR-driven photothermal detection of tetracycline 期刊论文
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2024, 卷号: 654, 页码: 356-370
Authors:  S. C. Cui, Y. Cong, W. S. Zhao, R. Guo, X. H. Wang, B. H. Lv, H. B. Liu, Y. Liu and Q. Zhang
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Deep learning-based ultra-fast identification of Raman spectra with low signal-to-noise ratio 期刊论文
Journal of Biophotonics, 2024, 卷号: 17, 期号: 1, 页码: 9
Authors:  K. X. Liu;  F. Y. Chen;  L. D. Shang;  Y. T. Wang;  H. Peng;  B. Liu and B. Li
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Linear polarization and narrow-linewidth external-cavity semiconductor laser based on birefringent Bragg grating optical feedback 期刊论文
Optics and Laser Technology, 2024, 卷号: 170, 页码: 7
Authors:  J. Q. Chen, C. Chen, Q. Guo, J. J. Sun, J. W. Zhang, Y. L. Zhou, Z. H. Liu, Y. S. Yu, L. Qin, Y. Q. Ning and L. J. Wang
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A mid-infrared laser absorption sensor for calibration-free measurement of nitric oxide in laminar premixed methane/ammonia cofired flames 期刊论文
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2024, 卷号: 66, 期号: 1, 页码: 10
Authors:  Q. Li;  F. Y. Ji;  W. Wang;  L. H. Ma and Y. Wang
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Significantly Boosted Upconversion Emission in Cryogenic Er@Yb@Y Core–Shell–Shell Nanostructures 期刊论文
Advanced Optical Materials, 2024, 卷号: 12, 期号: 5, 页码: 8
Authors:  E. H. Wang, W. Wang, L. J. Niu, Y. S. Feng, H. F. Zhao, Y. S. Luo, L. G. Zhang, Q. Q. Li, H. R. Chen, Y. L. Chang, L. P. Tu, H. Zhang and J. Zuo
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Composition-Triggered Growth of Monolayer MoTe2(1−x)S2x Alloys with Coherent Phase Interfaces for High-Performance Broadband Photodetection 期刊论文
Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 卷号: 34, 期号: 6, 页码: 9
Authors:  X. J. Wang, M. J. Zhu, H. Pan, X. Yang, Z. Q. Hua, S. S. Chen, S. J. Li, H. B. Shu, J. Zhang and Q. L. Feng
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Laser cladding of stainless-steel ball valves by a high-power diode laser source with a rectangular beam spot 期刊论文
Optics and Laser Technology, 2024, 卷号: 169, 页码: 7
Authors:  H. B. Zhu, X. C. Lin, X. L. Xue, Y. W. Zhang, L. J. Wang, Y. Q. Ning, Y. J. Dong and X. Fang
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Design and experiment of a large-scale space micro-vibration simulator 期刊论文
Journal of Vibration and Control, 2024, 卷号: 30, 期号: 3-4, 页码: 740-752
Authors:  H. Zhu, S. He, J. L. Shen, M. Y. Xia, C. Qin, X. M. Wang, X. Y. Sun and Z. B. Xu
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基于卷积神经网络的胸环靶面畸变校正算法 期刊论文
红外, 2023, 卷号: 44, 期号: 12, 页码: 32-40
Authors:  姜宗林;  陈小林;  李鹏飞;  王东鹤;  吴志佳;  王虹
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高分六号卫星甚宽视场相机的热控设计及验证 期刊论文
红外与激光工程, 2023, 卷号: 52, 期号: 11, 页码: 318-327
Authors:  于善猛;  江帆;  杜春平;  王航;  关洪宇;  关奉伟;  刘巨;  王灵杰
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