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Microstructures and mechanical properties of Zr-based metallic glass ablated by nanosecond pulsed laser in various gas atmospheres 期刊论文
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 卷号: 901, 页码: 9
作者:  Y. F. Qian;  M. Q. Jiang;  Z. Y. Zhang;  H. Huang;  J. Hong and J. W. Yan
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Nanosecond laser polishing of laser nitrided Zr-based metallic glass surface 期刊论文
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022, 卷号: 121, 期号: 5-6, 页码: 4099-4113
作者:  H. Huang;  J. Hong;  Y. F. Qian;  C. Wang;  Z. Y. Zhang and L. Zhang
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Calibration procedures for the CHASE/HIS science data 期刊论文
Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 2022, 卷号: 65, 期号: 8, 页码: 8
作者:  Y. Qiu;  S. H. Rao;  C. A. Li;  C. Fang;  M. D. Ding;  Z. Li;  Y. W. Ni;  W. B. Wang;  J. Hong;  Q. Hao;  Y. Dai;  P. F. Chen;  X. S. Wan;  Z. Xu;  W. You;  Y. Yuan;  H. J. Tao;  X. S. Li;  Y. K. He and Q. Liu
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Terahertz Dual-Band Near-Zero Effective Index Metamaterial Based on Double-Sided Metal Microstructure 期刊论文
Journal of Russian Laser Research, 2021, 卷号: 42, 期号: 5, 页码: 586-597
作者:  T. Q. Zhao;  T. Z. Luo;  B. Fang;  L. J. Shi;  Y. X. Jin;  P. W. Zhou;  D. Yao;  C. X. Li;  X. F. Jing and Z. Hong
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Efficient carpet invisibility cloaking with dielectric resonant metasurfaces in terahertz region 期刊论文
Laser Physics Letters, 2021, 卷号: 18, 期号: 2, 页码: 6
作者:  T. Lu;  D. T. Feng;  B. Fang;  P. W. Zhou;  D. Yao;  X. F. Jing;  C. X. Li;  H. Y. Gan;  Y. W. He;  J. H. Cai and Z. Hong
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Observation of Gap Opening in 1T ' Phase MoS2 Nanocrystals 期刊论文
Nano Letters, 2018, 卷号: 18, 期号: 8, 页码: 5085-5090
作者:  Xu, H.;  Han, D.;  Bao, Y.;  Cheng, F.;  Ding, Z. J.;  Tan, S. J. R.;  Loh, K. P.
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Two-dimensional materials  MoSv phase transition  quantum spin Hall  effect (QSH)  scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)  single-layer mos2  generalized gradient approximation  transition-metal  dichalcogenides  molybdenum-disulfide  nanosheets  monolayer  stabilization  intercalation  1t-mos2  mote2  Chemistry  Science & Technology - Other Topics  Materials Science  Physics  
High performance back-illuminated MIS structure AlGaN solar-blind ultraviolet photodiodes 期刊论文
Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, 2018, 卷号: 29, 期号: 11, 页码: 9077-9082
作者:  Han, W. Y.;  Zhang, Z. W.;  Li, Z. M.;  Chen, Y. R.;  Song, H.;  Miao, G. Q.;  Fan, F.;  Chen, H. F.;  Liu, Z.;  Jiang, H.
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p-i-n  photodetectors  template  films  Engineering  Materials Science  Physics  
Observation of Gap Opening in 1T ' Phase MoS2 Nanocrystals 期刊论文
Nano Letters, 2018, 卷号: 18, 期号: 8, 页码: 5085-5090
作者:  Xu, H.;  Han, D.;  Bao, Y.;  Cheng, F.;  Ding, Z. J.;  Tan, S. J. R.;  Loh, K. P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:355/0  |  提交时间:2019/09/17
Two-dimensional materials  MoSv phase transition  quantum spin Hall  effect (QSH)  scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)  single-layer mos2  generalized gradient approximation  transition-metal  dichalcogenides  molybdenum-disulfide  nanosheets  monolayer  stabilization  intercalation  1t-mos2  mote2  Chemistry  Science & Technology - Other Topics  Materials Science  Physics  
Alignment algorithm for three-mirror anastigmatic telescopes based on nodal aberration theory 期刊论文
Journal of Modern Optics, 2018, 卷号: 65, 期号: 16, 页码: 1910-1919
作者:  Xing, Z. C.;  Hong, Y. F.;  Zhang, X. B.;  Zhang, B.
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Aberration theory  alignments  telescopes  active optics  5th-order optical aberrations  rotational symmetry  wave-front  systems  Optics  
Aberration correction of conformal dome based on rotated cylindrical lenses for ultra-wide field of regard 期刊论文
Chinese Physics B, 2018, 卷号: 27, 期号: 1, 页码: 6
作者:  Yu, L. Y.;  Hong, Y. F.;  Cheng, Z. F.;  Zhang, B.
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optical design  conformal dome  optical-system  design  Physics