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Study on mechanical properties of lattice structures strengthened by synergistic hierarchical arrangement 期刊论文
Composite Structures, 2023, 卷号: 304, 页码: 14
Authors:  R. Y. Liu;  G. F. Yao;  K. Y. Gao;  Z. Z. Xu;  Y. N. Yang;  X. Guo;  Z. L. Yu;  Z. H. Zhang and C. Y. Han
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三级公自转行星系统中弯月透镜表面膜厚均匀性的研究 期刊论文
光学学报, 2022, 卷号: 42, 期号: 10, 页码: 264-272
Authors:  张静;  陈延涵;  朱忠尧;  付秀华;  张功;  齐双阳;  常艳贺;  杨飞;  金海俊;  陆致远
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Study on Functional Mechanical Performance of Honeycomb Array Structures Inspired by Gideon Beetle 期刊论文
Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2022, 卷号: 19, 期号: 4, 页码: 1024-1035
Authors:  R. Y. Liu;  G. F. Yao;  Z. Z. Xu;  X. Guo;  K. Y. Gao;  Q. Cao;  Z. L. Yu;  Z. H. Zhang;  C. Y. Han and J. B. Liu
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Study on quasi-static mechanical properties of novel reentrant structures with multiple energy dissipation 期刊论文
Thin-Walled Structures, 2022, 卷号: 177, 页码: 11
Authors:  R. Y. Liu;  G. F. Yao;  Z. Z. Xu;  Z. L. Yu;  Z. H. Zhang;  C. Y. Han;  H. Li and S. Jiang
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Modulation of Field-Effect Passivation at the Back Electrode Interface Enabling Efficient Kesterite-Type Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)(4) Thin-Film Solar Cells 期刊论文
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 卷号: 12, 期号: 34, 页码: 38163-38174
Authors:  Y. P. Song,H. H. Sun,B. Yao,Y. F. Li,Z. H. Ding,W. Qin,Z. Z. Zhang,L. G. Zhang,H. F. Zhao and D. C. Pan
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Laser heterodyne spectroradiometer assisted by self-calibrated wavelength modulation spectroscopy for atmospheric CO2 column absorption measurements 期刊论文
Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2020, 卷号: 230, 页码: 6
Authors:  H. Deng,M. X. Li,Y. B. He,Z. Y. Xu,L. Yao,B. Chen,C. G. Yang and R. F. Kan
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Influence of WSe2 buffer layer at back electrode on performance of Cu2ZnSn (S,Se)(4) solar cells 期刊论文
Solar Energy, 2020, 卷号: 199, 页码: 128-135
Authors:  X. H. Zhang,B. Yao,Y. F. Li,Z. H. Ding,H. F. Zhao,L. G. Zhang and Z. Z. Zhang
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Modification of back electrode with WO3 layer and its effect on Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)(4)-based solar cells 期刊论文
Superlattices and Microstructures, 2018, 卷号: 113, 页码: 328-336
Authors:  Shi, K.;  Yao, B.;  Li, Y. F.;  Ding, Z. H.;  Deng, R.;  Sui, Y. R.;  Zhang, Z. Z.;  Zhao, H. F.;  Zhang, L. G.
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CZTSSe  WO3  MoSe2  Barrier layer  Solar cell  Interface  efficiency  Physics  
Theoretical Mechanistic Study of Nickel(0)Lewis Acid Catalyzed Polyfluoroarylcyanation of Alkynes Origin of Selectivity for C-CN Bond Activation 期刊论文
Organometallics, 2018, 卷号: 37, 期号: 15, 页码: 2594-2601
Authors:  Ren, H.;  Du, G. F.;  Zhu, B.;  Yang, G. C.;  Yao, L. S.;  Guan, W.;  Su, Z. M.
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carbon-carbon bonds  oxidative addition  organic-synthesis  h  activation  sigma-bond  cooperative catalysis  transition-elements  assisted cleavage  zerovalent nickel  metal-complexes  Chemistry  
Improvement of the photovoltaic performance of Cu2ZnSn(SxSe1-x)(4) solar cells by adding polymer in the precursor solution 期刊论文
Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2018, 卷号: 51, 期号: 10, 页码: 7
Authors:  Yang, G.;  Li, Y. F.;  Yao, B.;  Ding, Z. H.;  Deng, R.;  Zhao, H. F.;  Zhang, L. G.;  Zhang, Z. Z.
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CZTSSe  PVP  additive  morphology  efficiency  thin-films  perovskite  growth  Physics