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Effect of different hardness and melting point of the metallic surfaces on structural and optical properties of synthesized nanoparticles 期刊论文
Materials Research Express, 2019, 卷号: 6, 期号: 4, 页码: 15
作者:  K.Zhang;  R.A.Ganeev;  G.S.Bohaev;  P.V.Redkin;  C.L.Guo
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laser ablation in liquids,metal nanoparticles,nonlinear optical,properties,laser-ablation,tungsten nanoparticles,zno nanoparticles,in2o3,nonlinearities,decomposition,absorption,liquid,sno2,Materials Science  
Plasmonic Pt Superstructures with Boosted Near-Infrared Absorption and Photothermal Conversion Efficiency in the Second Biowindow for Cancer Therapy 期刊论文
Advanced Materials, 2019, 卷号: 31, 期号: 46, 页码: 7
作者:  Q.S.Wang;  H.Wang;  Y.Yang;  L.H.Jin;  Y.Liu;  Y.Wang;  X.Y.Yan
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NIR-II biowindow,photothermal therapy,plasmons,platinum,superstructures,optical-absorption,nanoparticles,platinum,gold,nanocrystals,relaxation,nanodots,nanorods,nanostructures,dynamics,Chemistry,Science & Technology - Other Topics,Materials Science,Physics  
First principles investigation of Be3X2 (X = N, P, As) and their alloys for solar cell applications 期刊论文
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 卷号: 795, 页码: 385-390
作者:  M.Ullah;  R.Ali;  G.Murtaza;  Y.Chen
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Beryllium nitride alloys,Optical spectra,Device absorption,efficiencies,thermoelectric properties,structural-properties,electronic-structure,halide perovskites,optical-properties,crystal-structure,alpha-be3n2,Chemistry,Materials Science,Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering  
780 nm Diode Laser Source with Narrow Linewidth for Alkali Metal Vapor Laser Pumping 期刊论文
Faguang Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2019, 卷号: 40, 期号: 9, 页码: 1123-1129
作者:  J.-Y.Tian;  J.Zhang;  H.-Y.Peng;  Y.-X.Lei;  L.-J.Wang
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Pumping (laser),Absorption spectroscopy,Bragg gratings,Diodes,Gas lasers,Linewidth,Locks (fasteners),Metals,Mirrors,Optical fibers,Semiconductor lasers  
2 Tb/s all-optical gates based on two-photon absorption in quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifiers 期刊论文
Optics and Laser Technology, 2019, 卷号: 112, 页码: 442-451
作者:  A.Kotb;  K.E.Zoiros;  C.Guo
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All-optical logic gates,Two-photon absorption,Quantum dot,semiconductor optical amplifier,Mach-Zehnder interferometer,Delayed  
Two-photon absorption in quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifiers-based all-optical XOR gate at 2Tb/s 期刊论文
Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2019, 卷号: 51, 期号: 2, 页码: 12
作者:  A.Kotb;  C.L.Guo
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All-optical XOR gate,Two-photon absorption,Quantum dot semiconductor,optical amplifier,Mach-Zehnder interferometer  
Comparative analyses of optical limiting effects in metal nanoparticles and perovskite nanocrystals 期刊论文
Optical Materials, 2019, 卷号: 92, 页码: 366-372
作者:  K.S.Rao;  R.A.Ganeev;  K.Zhang;  Y.Fu;  G.S.Boltaev;  S.K.Maurya
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Optical limiting,Nanoparticles,Perovskites,Quantum dots,Nonlinear,absorption,Nanocrystals,reverse saturable absorption,laser-ablation,ag nanoparticles,silver,gold,nonlinearities,semiconductors,fullerenes,dots,Materials Science,Optics  
1Tb/s all-optical XOR and AND gates using quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier-based turbo-switched Mach-Zehnder interferometer 期刊论文
Journal of Computational Electronics, 2019, 卷号: 18, 期号: 2, 页码: 628-639
作者:  A.Kotb;  K.E.Zoiros;  C.L.Guo
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All-optical AND gate,Quantum-dot semiconductor,optical amplifier,Turbo-switch,Mach-Zehnder interferometer,2-photon absorption  
Electron transport behavior of polymer-derived amorphous silicoboron carbonitrides 期刊论文
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019, 卷号: 102, 期号: 10, 页码: 6038-6047
作者:  K.W.Wang;  B.S.Ma;  L.G.Zhang;  Z.Z.Sun;  Y.G.Wang
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band gap,electrical properties,silicoboron carbonitride,structure,optical-absorption,si-(b)-c-n system,phase-separation,atomic-structure,ceramics,films,conductivity,spectra,semiconductors,diffraction,Materials Science  
Ablated nickel nanoparticles: third harmonic generation and optical nonlinearities 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF OPTICS, 2018, 卷号: 20, 期号: 12, 页码: 11
作者:  Zhang, Ke;  Maury, Sandeep Kumar;  Ganee, Rashid A.;  Rao, Konda Srinivasa;  Gu, Chunlei
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nickel nanoparticles  third harmonic generation  nickel plasma  nonlinear refraction and absorption  optical limiting