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Giant All-Optical Modulation of Second-Harmonic Generation Mediated by Dark Excitons 期刊论文
ACS Photonics, 2021, 卷号: 8, 期号: 8, 页码: 2320-2328
Authors:  Y. Wang;  S. Das;  F. Iyikanat;  Y. Dai;  S. Li;  X. Guo;  X. Yang;  J. Cheng;  X. Hu;  M. Ghotbi;  F. Ye;  H. Lipsanen;  S. Wu;  T. Hasan;  X. Gan;  K. Liu;  D. Sun;  Q. Dai;  F. J. Garcia De Abajo;  J. Zhao and Z. Sun
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