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| Ultrafast photothermoelectric effect in Dirac semimetallic Cd3As2 revealed by terahertz emission 期刊论文 Nature Communications, 2022, 卷号: 13, 期号: 1, 页码: 9 Authors: W. Lu; Z. P. Fan; Y. K. Yang; J. C. Ma; J. W. Lai; X. M. Song; X. Zhuo; Z. R. Xu; J. Liu; X. D. Hu; S. Y. Zhou; F. X. Xiu; J. L. Cheng and D. Sun
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| Unveiling Weyl-related optical responses in semiconducting tellurium by mid-infrared circular photogalvanic effect 期刊论文 Nature Communications, 2022, 卷号: 13, 期号: 1, 页码: 7 Authors: J. C. Ma; B. Cheng; L. Li; Z. P. Fan; H. M. Mu; J. W. Lai; X. M. Song; D. H. Yang; J. L. Cheng; Z. F. Wang; C. G. Zeng and D. Sun
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| Ultra-Sensitive water detection based on NaErF4@NaYF4 high-level-doping upconversion nanoparticles 期刊论文 Applied Surface Science, 2022, 卷号: 575, 页码: 7 Authors: J. Zuo; W. Wang; D. X. Zhang; X. K. Wang; Y. L. Ma; P. T. Li; Y. F. Li; W. Sun; Y. L. Zhang; L. P. Tu; Y. L. Chang; Q. Q. Li and H. Zhang
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| Surface topography measurement of microstructures near the lateral resolution limit via coherence scanning interferometry 期刊论文 Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2022, 卷号: 152, 页码: 10 Authors: Y. F. Sun; Z. S. Gao; J. Q. Ma; J. T. Zhou; P. F. Xie; L. J. Wang; L. H. Lei; Y. X. Fu; Z. Y. Guo and Q. Yuan
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| Perovskite bridging PbS quantum dot/polymer interface enables efficient solar cells 期刊论文 Nano Research, 2022, 卷号: 15, 期号: 7, 页码: 6121-6127 Authors: X. Meng; Y. F. Chen; F. Yang; J. Q. Zhang; G. Z. Shi; Y. N. Zhang; H. D. Tang; W. Chen; Y. Liu; L. Yuan; S. J. Li; K. Wang; Q. Chen; Z. K. Liu and W. L. Ma
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| A Laser-Based Multipass Absorption Sensor for Sub-ppm Detection of Methane, Acetylene and Ammonia 期刊论文 Sensors, 2022, 卷号: 22, 期号: 2, 页码: 14 Authors: W. Duan; F. W. Yan; Y. Wang; H. Zhang; L. H. Ma; D. X. Wen; W. Wang; G. Sheng and Q. Wang
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| Analysis of Thermal Effects in Kilowatt High Power Diamond Raman Lasers 期刊论文 Crystals, 2022, 卷号: 12, 期号: 12, 页码: 15 Authors: Q. X. Gong; M. X. Zhang; C. A. Lin; X. Yang; X. H. Fu; F. Y. Ma; Y. S. Hu; L. Dong and C. X. Shan
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| Crown-ether modified thermally evaporated perovskite light-emitting devices with increased operational stability 期刊论文 Journal of Luminescence, 2022, 卷号: 252, 页码: 8 Authors: L. A. Zhao; Y. Zhang; K. Sun; L. Song; H. Xu; X. Y. Guo; S. Xu; Y. Q. Xia; Y. S. Hu and F. Y. Ma
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