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Multi-beam interference competition in heterodyne detection 期刊论文
Optoelectronics Letters, 2019, 卷号: 15, 期号: 3, 页码: 213-216
作者:  S.-s.Wu;  T.Lu;  Y.-y.Li;  T.-f.Wang;  J.Guo
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Heterodyne detection,Heterodyning,Laser Doppler velocimeters,Laser theory,Optical systems  
Geometric Aberration Theory of Offner Imaging Spectrometers 期刊论文
Sensors, 2019, 卷号: 19, 期号: 18, 页码: 18
作者:  M.H.Zhao;  Y.X.Jiang;  S.Yang;  W.Li
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aberration theory,Offner imaging spectrometer,convex grating,spot,diagrams,gratings,design,Chemistry,Engineering,Instruments & Instrumentation  
Super-resolution imaging for infrared microscanning optical system 期刊论文
Optics Express, 2019, 卷号: 27, 期号: 5, 页码: 7719-7737
作者:  X.F.Zhang;  W.Huang;  M.F.Xu;  S.Q.Jia;  X.R.Xu;  F.B.Li;  Y.D.Zheng
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Optical systems,Frequency domain analysis,Image denoising,Image reconstruction,Optical resolving power,Pixels,Scanning,Set theory,Textures,Thermography (imaging)  
2D Nitrogen-Containing Carbon Material C5N as Potential Host Material for Lithium Polysulfides: A First-Principles Study 期刊论文
Advanced Theory and Simulations, 2019, 卷号: 2, 期号: 2, 页码: 7
作者:  D.D.Wang;  H.B.Li;  L.L.Zhang;  Z.H.Sun;  D.X.Han;  L.Niu
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2D nitrogen-containing carbon material,density functional theory,calculations,lithium polysulfides adsorption,graphene,nitride,li,cathode,monolayer,batteries,storage,design,anode,Science & Technology - Other Topics  
TLD particle swarm optimization target tracking using a sample deletion mechanism 期刊论文
Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng/Optics and Precision Engineering, 2019, 卷号: 27, 期号: 5, 页码: 1206-1217
作者:  S.-Q.Guo;  T.Zhang;  X.-K.Miao
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Target tracking,Clutter (information theory,Computational efficiency,Efficiency,Learning algorithms  
Fast ship detection in optical remote sensing images 期刊论文
Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 2019, 卷号: 49, 期号: 4, 页码: 1369-1376
作者:  C.Dong;  J.-H.Liu;  F.Xu;  R.-H.Wang
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Remote sensing,Behavioral research,Clutter (information theory),Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions,Image segmentation  
A new mathematical model for multi-scale thermal management of data centers using entransy theory 期刊论文
Building Simulation, 2019, 卷号: 12, 期号: 2, 页码: 323-336
作者:  H.Tian;  H.Liang;  Z.Li
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entransy theory,entransy dissipation model,data center,air mixing,thermal management,heat-transfer,server model,air-flow,optimization,exchanger,temperature,expression,systems,design,fan,Thermodynamics,Construction & Building Technology  
Low Threshold Polymer Lasers Under Optical Pumping 期刊论文
Faguang Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2019, 卷号: 40, 期号: 11, 页码: 1434-1438
作者:  J.Lin;  X.-Y.Liu;  S.-N.Qu
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Optically pumped lasers,Electrodynamics,Microcavities,Optical pumping,Polymers,Quantum theory  
Graphene Heterostructure Integrated Optical Fiber Bragg Grating for Light Motion Tracking and Ultrabroadband Photodetection from 400 nm to 10.768 m 期刊论文
Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 卷号: 29, 期号: 19
作者:  B.N.Shivananju;  X.Bao;  W.Yu;  J.Yuan;  M.H;  S.T;  X.T
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Fiber Bragg gratings,Astrophysics,Bismuth compounds,Blue shift,Computation theory,Graphene,Graphene devices,Heterojunctions,Motion analysis,Nanophotonics,Optical communication,Optical data processing,Optical fibers,Photodetectors,Photonics,Red Shift  
Experimental study on the extension of nodal aberration theory to pupil-offset off-axis three-mirror anastigmatic telescopes 期刊论文
Journal of Astronomical Telescopes Instruments and Systems, 2019, 卷号: 5, 期号: 2, 页码: 12
作者:  G.H.Ju;  H.C.Ma;  Z.Y.Gu;  C.X.Yan
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aberration fields,off-axis three-mirror anastigmatic telescopes,lateral misalignments,nodal aberration theory,5th-order optical aberrations,rotational symmetry,systems