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High power diode laser source with a transmission grating for two spectral beam combining 期刊论文
Optik, 2019, 卷号: 192, 页码: 4
作者:  J.Y.Tian;  J.Zhang;  H.Y.Peng;  Y.X.Lei;  L.Qin;  Y.Q.Ning;  L.J.Wang
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Diode laser,Spectral beam combining,Transmission grating,High beam,quality,array,Optics  
Near-diffraction-limited semiconductor disk lasers 期刊论文
Optics Communications, 2019, 卷号: 449, 页码: 39-44
作者:  G.Y.Hou;  L.J.Wang;  J.Feng;  A.Popp;  B.Schmidt;  H.Y.Lu
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Semiconductor disk lasers,Beam quality,High power  
Optical system design of multi-angle coupled framing camera 期刊论文
Chinese Optics, 2018, 卷号: 11, 期号: 4, 页码: 615-622
作者:  Zhang, Tian-Shu;  Jin, Guang;  Liu, Chun-Yu
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Optical systems  Computer software  High speed cameras  High speed photography  Image quality  Optical design  
Highly Stable Perovskite Photodetector Based on Vapor-Processed Micrometer-Scale CsPbBr3 Microplatelets 期刊论文
Chemistry of Materials, 2018, 卷号: 30, 期号: 19, 页码: 6744-6755
作者:  Li, Y.;  Shi, Z. F.;  Lei, L. Z.;  Zhang, F.;  Ma, Z. Z.;  Wu, D.;  Xu, T. T.;  Tian, Y. T.;  Zhang, Y. T.;  Du, G. T.;  Shan, C. X.;  Li, X. J.
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light-emitting-diodes  low-temperature photoluminescence  all-inorganic  perovskites  halide perovskites  room-temperature  high-efficiency  quantum dots  band-gap  high-quality  growth  Chemistry  Materials Science  
AlGaN photonics_recent advances in materials and ultraviolet devices 期刊论文
Advances in Optics and Photonics, 2018, 卷号: 10, 期号: 1, 页码: 43-110
作者:  Li, D. B.;  Jiang, K.;  Sun, X. J.;  Guo, C. L.
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light-emitting-diodes  high-quality aln  temperature  stimulated-emission  2nd-order optical-response  atomic-layer epitaxy  vapor-phase epitaxy  z-scan measurement  p-type conduction  room-temperature  avalanche photodiodes  Optics  
Defect evolution in AlN templates on PVD-AlN-sapphire substrates by thermal annealing 期刊论文
Crystengcomm, 2018, 卷号: 20, 期号: 32, 页码: 4623-4629
作者:  Ben, J. W.;  Sun, X. J.;  Jia, Y. P.;  Jiang, K.;  Shi, Z. M.;  Liu, H. N.;  Wang, Y.;  Kai, C. H.;  Wu, Y.;  Li, D. B.
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light-emitting-diodes  high-quality aln  growth  temperature  sapphire  algan  efficiency  ratio  Chemistry  Crystallography