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Research on Hartmann principle based on sub-aperture slope scanning detection and error 期刊论文
Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2019, 卷号: 48, 期号: 8
作者:  X.Zhao;  D.Xue;  Q.Cheng
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Optical systems,Computer software,Errors,Mirrors,Quality control,Scanning,Wavefronts  
Athermal design of the mirror support with flexure hinges for the laser communication terminal 期刊论文
Optoelectronics Letters, 2019, 卷号: 15, 期号: 6, 页码: 454-458
作者:  F.-f.Yang;  H.-y.Tian;  C.-x.Yan;  C.-j.Wu;  D.-q.Mu
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Aberrations,Design,Hinges,Laser mirrors,Optical systems,Wavefronts  
Study on performance variable scale evaluation method of reflection laser confocal microscopy 期刊论文
Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2019, 卷号: 48, 期号: 3
作者:  F.Wang;  Q.Sun;  M.Dai;  X.Liu;  C.Wang;  X.Jin
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Signal to noise ratio,Aberrations,Confocal microscopy,Function evaluation,Functions,Power spectral density,Spectral density,Testing,Wavefronts  
Study on moment correction method of primary mirror semi-active support 期刊论文
Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2019, 卷号: 48, 期号: 5
作者:  X.Liu;  F.Wang;  J.Zhang;  L.Fan;  W.Wang
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Finite element method,Aberrations,Deformation,Electromagnetic wave attenuation,Leaf springs,Mirrors,Silicon carbide,Silicon compounds,Wavefronts  
Vehicular Daytime High-resolution Imaging System Based on Phase-diversity Technology 期刊论文
Guangzi Xuebao/Acta Photonica Sinica, 2019, 卷号: 48, 期号: 3
作者:  M.Ming;  T.Chen;  T.-S.Xu
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Image resolution,Diffraction,Imaging systems,Infrared devices,Infrared radiation,Object detection,Optical design,Optical telescopes,Phase measurement,Space telescopes,Wavefronts  
Wavefront Aberration Analysis and Spectrum Correction of Microminiature Fourier Transform Spectrometer 期刊论文
Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica, 2018, 卷号: 38, 期号: 2
作者:  Lu, Jinguang;  Liang, Jingqiu;  Liang, Zhongzhu;  Qin, Yuxin
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Aberrations  Bolometers  Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy  Fourier transforms  Interferometry  Microlenses  Mirrors  Modulation  Optical signal processing  Spacecraft instruments  Spectrometers  Spectroscopy  Underwater acoustics  Wavefronts  
Design of liquid crystal-deformable mirror adaptive optical system data acquisition and process software 期刊论文
Optics and Precision Engineering, 2018, 卷号: 26, 期号: 6, 页码: 1507-1516
作者:  Wang Yu-kun, 王玉坤;  Cao Zhao-liang, 曹召良;  Li Da-yu, 李大禹;  Xu Huan-yu, 徐焕宇;  Xuan Li, 宣 丽
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Adaptive optics  Adaptive control systems  Data acquisition  Deformation  Laboratories  Liquid crystals  Loudspeakers  Memory architecture  Mirrors  Modular construction  Modulation  Optical systems  Optical testing  Software design  Software testing  Wavefronts  
Design of mobile vehicle-based adaptive optical wave-front processor 期刊论文
Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng/Optics and Precision Engineering, 2018, 卷号: 26, 期号: 1, 页码: 48-54
作者:  Jia, Jian-Lu;  Zhao, Jin-Yu;  Wang, Jian-Li;  Wang, Shuai;  Wang, Liang;  Wu, Qing-Lin
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Adaptive optics  Adaptive control systems  Closed loop control systems  Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA)  Integrated circuit design  Optical fiber communication  Optical fibers  Optical systems  Pipeline processing systems  Processing  Wavefronts  
Optical design of miniaturized and large field of view off-axis optical system based on freeform surface 期刊论文
Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2018, 卷号: 47, 期号: 12
作者:  Zhao, Yuchen;  He, Xin;  Zhang, Kai;  Liu, Qiang;  Cui, Yongpeng;  Meng, Qingyu
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Optical systems  Aberrations  Degrees of freedom (mechanics)  Fits and tolerances  Image quality  Mirrors  Optical design  Wavefronts  
Correction Algorithm of Systemic Errors in Grating Lateral-Shearing Interferometer 期刊论文
Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2018, 卷号: 45, 期号: 8
作者:  Zhang, Lu;  Xiang, Yang
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Shearing  Aberrations  Errors  Interferometers  Measurement  Wavefronts