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High-power and reliable GaN-based vertical light-emitting diodes on 4-inch silicon substrate 期刊论文
Optics Express, 2019, 卷号: 27, 期号: 20, 页码: A1506-A1516
作者:  S.J.Zhou;  H.H.Xu;  B.Tang;  Y.C.Liu;  H.Wan;  J.H.Miao
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wall-plug efficiency,extraction efficiency,enhancement,titanium,contact,stress,layer,films,Optics  
Semimetal or Semiconductor: The Nature of High Intrinsic Electrical Conductivity in TiS2 期刊论文
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2019, 卷号: 10, 期号: 22, 页码: 6996-7001
作者:  H.Wang;  Z.Z.Qiu;  W.Y.Xia;  C.Ming;  Y.Y.Han;  L.Cao;  J.Lu
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angle-resolved photoemission,electronic-structure,optical-properties,lithium batteries,quasi-particle,band-structure,intercalation,compounds,titanium disulfide,pseudopotentials,refinement,Chemistry,Science & Technology - Other Topics,Materials Science,Physics  
Colorful multifunctional surfaces produced by femtosecond laser pulses 期刊论文
Optical Materials Express, 2019, 卷号: 9, 期号: 3, 页码: 1033-1040
作者:  E.M.Garcell;  C.L.Guo
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superhydrophobic surfaces,titanium,Materials Science,Optics  
Optimized Design of Integrated Ultra-Light Main Supporting Structure for Micro-Nano Remote-Sensing Camera 期刊论文
Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica, 2019, 卷号: 39, 期号: 7
作者:  T.Wang;  L.Zhang;  X.Jia;  G.Gao
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Structural design,Cameras,Electric power utilization,Functions,Natural frequencies,Optical systems,Remote sensing,Shape optimization,Titanium alloys,Topology  
Interference Effect of Alcohol on Nessler's Reagent in Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation 期刊论文
Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 卷号: 6, 期号: 4, 页码: 5342-5348
作者:  Gao, X.;  Wen, Y. J.;  Qu, D.;  An, L.;  Luan, S. L.;  Jiang, W. S.;  Zong, X. P.;  Liu, X. Y.;  Sun, Z. C.
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N-2 fixation  Sacrificial agent  Nessler's reagent  Interference effect  Photocatalyst  hybrid heterojunction catalyst  photofixation performance  carbonyl-compounds  visible-light  titanium-dioxide  sulfur vacancies  oxygen vacancies  n-2 fixation  reduction  ammonia  Chemistry  Science & Technology - Other Topics  Engineering  
Interference Effect of Alcohol on Nessler's Reagent in Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation 期刊论文
Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 卷号: 6, 期号: 4, 页码: 5342-5348
作者:  Gao, X.;  Wen, Y. J.;  Qu, D.;  An, L.;  Luan, S. L.;  Jiang, W. S.;  Zong, X. P.;  Liu, X. Y.;  Sun, Z. C.
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N-2 fixation  Sacrificial agent  Nessler's reagent  Interference effect  Photocatalyst  hybrid heterojunction catalyst  photofixation performance  carbonyl-compounds  visible-light  titanium-dioxide  sulfur vacancies  oxygen vacancies  n-2 fixation  reduction  ammonia  Chemistry  Science & Technology - Other Topics  Engineering  
Laser ablation-induced synthesis and nonlinear optical characterization of titanium and cobalt nanoparticles 期刊论文
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2018, 卷号: 20, 期号: 10, 页码: 15
作者:  Rao, K. S.;  Ganeev, R. A.;  Zhang, K.;  Fu, Y.;  Boltaev, G. S.;  Krishnendu, P. S.;  Redkin, P. V.;  Guo, C. L.
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Laser ablation  Titanium nanoparticles  Cobalt nanoparticles  Nonlinear  refraction  Nonlinear absorption  Optical limiting  Colloids  surface-plasmon resonance  phase-diagrams  silver nanoparticles  tio2  nanoparticles  binary-systems  particle-size  absorption  films  femtosecond  liquids  Chemistry  Science & Technology - Other Topics  Materials Science  
Enhancing photocatalytic performance by constructing ultrafine TiO2 nanorods g-C3N4 nanosheets heterojunction for water treatment 期刊论文
Science Bulletin, 2018, 卷号: 63, 期号: 11, 页码: 683-690
作者:  Luan, S. L.;  Qu, D.;  An, L.;  Jiang, W. S.;  Gaob, X.;  Hua, S. X.;  Miao, X.;  Wen, Y. J.;  Sun, Z. C.
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Heterojunction  Photocatalyst  TiO2 nanorods  g-C3N4 nanosheets  Water  treatment  graphitic carbon nitride  001 active facets  titanium-dioxide  band-structure  mechanisms  surfaces  strategy  g-c3n4  robust  Science & Technology - Other Topics  
Manipulation of multiple periodic surface structures on metals induced by femtosecond lasers 期刊论文
Applied Surface Science, 2018, 卷号: 454, 页码: 327-333
作者:  Lim, H. U.;  Kang, J.;  Guo, C. L.;  Hwang, T. Y.
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Femtosecond phenomena  Laser-induced surface structure  Metal  Nanostructure fabrication  Light-matter interaction  Effective medium  theory  plasmon resonance  pulses  ripples  instability  ablation  titanium  optics  ti  Chemistry  Materials Science  Physics  
Orthogonal reactivity of Ni(i)Pd(0) dual catalysts for Ullmann C-C cross-coupling theoretical insight 期刊论文
Chemical Communications, 2018, 卷号: 54, 期号: 57, 页码: 7959-7962
作者:  Zhu, B.;  Yan, L. K.;  Yao, L. S.;  Ren, H.;  Li, R. H.;  Guan, W.;  Su, Z. M.
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2-state reactivity  titanium hydride  bond formation  activation  mechanisms  electrophiles  perspective  molecules  energies  benzene  Chemistry  
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