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1Tb/s all-optical XOR and AND gates using quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier-based turbo-switched Mach-Zehnder interferometer 期刊论文
Journal of Computational Electronics, 2019, 卷号: 18, 期号: 2, 页码: 628-639
作者:  A.Kotb;  K.E.Zoiros;  C.L.Guo
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All-optical AND gate,Quantum-dot semiconductor,optical amplifier,Turbo-switch,Mach-Zehnder interferometer,2-photon absorption  
Broadband femtosecond nonlinear optical properties of silver nanowire films 期刊论文
Optical Materials, 2019, 卷号: 96, 页码: 7
作者:  R.Allu;  D.Banerjee;  R.Avasarala;  S.Hamad;  S.V.Rao
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Silver nanowires,Saturable absorption,Reverse saturable absorption,Z-Scan,2-photon absorption,ion-implantation  
160 Gbs photonic crystal semiconductor optical amplifier-based all-optical logic NAND gate 期刊论文
Photonic Network Communications, 2018, 卷号: 36, 期号: 2, 页码: 246-255
作者:  Kotb, A.;  Zoiros, K. E.;  Guo, C. L.
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160 Gb/s  All-optical NOT-AND(NAND) gate  Photonic crystal semiconductor  optical amplifier  Mach-Zehnder interferometer  mach-zehnder interferometer  spontaneous emission  2-photon absorption  wave-guide  phase  xor  nor  recovery  design  gain  Computer Science  Optics  Telecommunications  
Seven-Photon-Excited Upconversion Lasing at Room Temperature 期刊论文
Advanced Optical Materials, 2018, 卷号: 6, 期号: 16, 页码: 5
作者:  Zhu, H.;  Chen, A. Q.;  Wu, Y. Y.;  Zhang, W. F.;  Su, S. C.;  Ji, X.;  Jing, P. T.;  Yu, S. F.;  Shan, C. X.;  Huang, F.
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lasing mode  multiphoton excitation  quantum tunneling  solid crystals  upconversion lasing  stimulated-emission  2-photon absorption  molecules  dynamics  silicon  Materials Science  Optics  
Strong nonlinear absorption in perovskite films 期刊论文
Optical Materials Express, 2018, 卷号: 8, 期号: 6, 页码: 1472-1483
作者:  Ganeev, R. A.;  Rao, K. S.;  Yu, Z.;  Yu, W. L.;  Yao, C. N.;  Fu, Y.;  Zhang, K.;  Guo, C. L.
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2-photon absorption  optical nonlinearities  ch3nh3pbi3 perovskite  quantum confinement  halide-perovskite  thin-films  3rd-order  refraction  emission  c-60  Materials Science  Optics