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Slow-Released Cationic Redox Activity Promoted Stable Anionic Redox and Suppressed Jahn-Teller Distortion in Layered Sodium Manganese Oxides 期刊论文
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2024, 卷号: 16, 期号: 6, 页码: 7119-7129
Authors:  A. Zeng, J. Jiao, H. Zhang, E. Zhao, T. He, Z. Xu and X. Xiao
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Switchable dual-wavelength vertical-external- cavity surface-emitting laser 期刊论文
Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2023, 卷号: 42, 期号: 1, 页码: 14-20
Authors:  X. Li;  Y. Zhang;  J. W. Zhang;  X. Zhang;  Z. Zhang;  Y. G. Zeng;  J. Zhang;  Y. L. Zhou;  H. B. Zhu;  Y. Q. Ning;  L. Qin and L. J. Wang
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Analysis of distributed detection range changes caused by infrared system self-thermal radiation 期刊论文
Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2023, 卷号: 52, 期号: 3
Authors:  B. Li;  L. Liu;  W. Xu;  W. Zeng;  H. Hu;  F. Yan and S. Cai
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Geometric Visualization of the 3D Polarimetric Information of an Arbitrary Electromagnetic Field 期刊论文
Photonics, 2023, 卷号: 10, 期号: 9, 页码: 8
Authors:  Y. H. Li;  B. S. Li;  W. H. Wei;  X. W. Zeng;  Y. G. Fu and Y. Zhao
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Simultaneous Measurement of Dual Parameters Based on Periodically Embedding MMF-Induced Ultralong-Period Fiber Grating 期刊论文
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, 卷号: 23, 期号: 2, 页码: 1191-1196
Authors:  J. Wang, J. Zhou, J. Hao, X. Zeng, W. Chen, Y. Liu, H. Meng, J. Sun, T. Geng and W. Sun
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Asymmetrically Contacted Tellurium Short-Wave Infrared Photodetector with Low Dark Current and High Sensitivity at Room Temperature 期刊论文
Advanced Optical Materials, 2023, 卷号: 11, 期号: 23
Authors:  H. Wang, H. Huang, J. Zha, Y. Xia, P. Yang, Y. Zeng, Y. Liu, R. Cao, B. Wang, W. Wang, L. Zheng, Y. Chen, Q. He, X. Chen, K. Jiang, J.-H. Lin, Z. Shi, J. C. Ho, H. Zhang and C. Tan
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Ultra-high sensitivity temperature sensor based on PDMS-assisted-cascaded Mach-Zehnder Interferometer 期刊论文
Sensors and Actuators a-Physical, 2023, 卷号: 359, 页码: 7
Authors:  J. B. Wang, J. Y. Hao, J. Zhou, A. Z. Wang, X. Z. Zeng, X. Y. Yang, H. R. Meng, S. Li, Q. Yan, W. M. Sun and T. Geng
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Mode Dependence of Refractive Index Sensitivity of Long-Period Fiber Gratings Induced by Periodically Embedded Multimode Fiber 期刊论文
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, 卷号: 23, 期号: 10, 页码: 10452-10459
Authors:  J. Wang, A. Wang, J. Hao, X. Zeng, X. Yang, J. Zhou, H. Meng, T. Geng and W. Sun
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Ultra-small-size, highly efficient and stable CsPbBr3 quantum dots synthesized by using a cesium-dodecyl benzene sulfonic acid solution 期刊论文
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 卷号: 473
Authors:  H. Zhang, Y. Lv, Y. Chang, X. Guo, D. Zou, Y. Sun, Q. Zeng and X. Liu
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Enhancement of near-infrared response of InGaAs photocathode through interaction of 1064 nm light with activated surface 期刊论文
Applied Surface Science, 2023, 卷号: 619
Authors:  Z. Wang, Y. Zhang, S. Li, S. Tang, J. Zhang, Y. Qian, F. Shi, G. Jiao, H. Cheng and Y. Zeng
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