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Remarkable Improvement in Photocatalytic Performance for Tannery Wastewater Processing via SnS2 Modified with N-Doped Carbon Quantum Dots: Synthesis, Characterization, and 4-Nitrophenol-Aided Cr(VI) Photoreduction 期刊论文
Small, 2019, 卷号: 15, 期号: 29, 页码: 12
作者:  S.Wang;  L.P.Li;  Z.H.Zhu;  M.L.Zhao;  L.M.Zhang;  N.N.Zhang
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carbon quantum dots,green chemistry,in situ synthesis,photogenerated,charge carrier,tannery wastewater processing,hydrogen evolution,graphene oxide,ionic liquid,hybrid,nanosheets,nanotubes,photocorrosion,degradation,selectivity,mechanism,Chemistry,Science & Technology - Other Topics,Materials Science,Physics  
Quantum confined peptide assemblies with tunable visible to near-infrared spectral range 期刊论文
Nature Communications, 2018, 卷号: 9, 页码: 11
作者:  Tao, K.;  Fan, Z.;  Sun, L. M.;  Makam, P.;  Tian, Z.;  Ruegsegger, M.;  Shaham-Niv, S.;  Hansford, D.;  Aizen, R.;  Pan, Z.;  Galster, S.;  Ma, J. J.;  Yuan, F.;  Si, M. S.;  Qu, S. N.;  Zhang, M. J.;  Gazit, E.;  Li, J. B.
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in-vivo  building-blocks  dots  nanotubes  fluorescence  light  nanoparticles  fabrication  tryptophan  nanowires  Science & Technology - Other Topics