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Development and Thermal Management of kW-Class High-Power Diode Laser Source Based on the Structure of Two-Stage Combination 期刊论文
Ieee Photonics Journal, 2019, 卷号: 11, 期号: 3, 页码: 10
作者:  H.B.Zhu;  S.L.Fan;  J.Zhao;  X.C.Lin;  L.Qin;  Y.Q.Ning
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Diode laser,high power,laser beam multiplexing,thermal control,volume Bragg gratings,Physics,Engineering,Optics  
Near-infrared methane sensor based on a distributed feedback laser 期刊论文
Spectroscopy Letters, 2019, 卷号: 52, 期号: 2, 页码: 113-120
作者:  J.N.Wang;  B.Li;  G.Y.Lin;  Q.J.Ma;  S.R.Wang;  M.X.Piao
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Absorption spectrum,distributed-feedback,lasers,interband cascade laser,absorption-spectroscopy,gas sensor,diode-laser,Spectroscopy  
An Ultra-High-SMSR External-Cavity Diode Laser with a Wide Tunable Range around 1550 nm 期刊论文
Applied Sciences-Basel, 2019, 卷号: 9, 期号: 20, 页码: 8
作者:  Y.Wang;  H.Wu;  C.Chen;  Y.L.Zhou;  Y.B.Wang;  L.Liang
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external cavity diode laser (ECDL),side mode suppression ratio (SMSR),diffractive grating,tunable laser,narrow-linewidth,noise,fiber,Chemistry,Engineering,Materials Science,Physics  
A tunable external cavity laser operating at excited states of bimodal-sized quantum-dot 期刊论文
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 卷号: 58, 期号: 5, 页码: 4
作者:  Y.Wang;  Y.L.Zhou;  H.Wu;  J.Zhang;  C.Chen;  L.Qin;  L.J.Wang
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Wavelength modulation spectroscopy by employing the first harmonic phase angle method 期刊论文
Optics Express, 2019, 卷号: 27, 期号: 9, 页码: 12137-12146
作者:  C.G.Yang;  L.Mei;  H.Deng;  Z.Y.Xu;  B.Chen;  R.F.Kan
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diode-laser spectroscopy,frequency,recovery,Optics  
Measurement of middle infrared spectroscopic parameters of carbon disulfide based on tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy 期刊论文
Acta Physica Sinica, 2019, 卷号: 68, 期号: 8, 页码: 7
作者:  L.Q.Guan;  H.Deng;  L.Yao;  W.Nie;  Z.Y.Xu;  X.Li;  Y.P.Zang
caj(1032Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:626/67  |  提交时间:2020/08/24
carbon disulfide (CS2),quantum cascade laser,tunable diode laser,absorption spectroscopy,spectroscopic parameters,Physics  
Advances in narrow linewidth diode lasers 期刊论文
Science China-Information Sciences, 2019, 卷号: 62, 期号: 6, 页码: 13
作者:  X.K.Lang;  P.Jia;  Y.Y.Chen;  L.Qin;  L.Liang;  C.Chen
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diode lasers,narrow linewidth,internal cavity optical feedback,technology,external cavity optical feedback technology,solid-state  
High power diode laser source with a transmission grating for two spectral beam combining 期刊论文
Optik, 2019, 卷号: 192, 页码: 4
作者:  J.Y.Tian;  J.Zhang;  H.Y.Peng;  Y.X.Lei;  L.Qin;  Y.Q.Ning;  L.J.Wang
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Diode laser,Spectral beam combining,Transmission grating,High beam,quality,array,Optics  
Efficiency and Threshold Characteristics of Spectrally Beam Combined High-Power Diode Lasers 期刊论文
Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2019, 卷号: 55, 期号: 1, 页码: 7
作者:  F.Y.Sun;  S.L.Shu;  G.Y.Hou;  L.J.Wang;  J.Zhang;  H.Y.Peng
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Efficiency,laser diode array,threshold,spectral beam combining,external-cavity,Engineering,Physics,Optics  
Effect of lateral error on the coupling efficiency and beam quality of gaussian beam launched into large-core fiber 期刊论文
Optik, 2019, 卷号: 187, 页码: 185-192
作者:  X.Y.Liu;  J.Guo;  G.N.Li;  N.Chen;  K.Shi
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Lateral error,Coupling efficiency,Beam quality,Gaussian beam,Large-core multimode fiber,laser-diode,optimization,coefficient,Optics