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Slow-Released Cationic Redox Activity Promoted Stable Anionic Redox and Suppressed Jahn-Teller Distortion in Layered Sodium Manganese Oxides 期刊论文
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2024, 卷号: 16, 期号: 6, 页码: 7119-7129
作者:  A. Zeng, J. Jiao, H. Zhang, E. Zhao, T. He, Z. Xu and X. Xiao
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中国空间站望远镜(CSST)密集星场天体自行研究 期刊论文
天文学进展, 2023, 卷号: 41, 期号: 02, 页码: 240-256
作者:  聂嘉潞;  曹子皇;  刘超;  田海俊;  田浩;  张鑫;  韦成亮;  李晓波;  班章;  赵永恒
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Evaluation method for the design results of space gravitational-wave telescopes 期刊论文
Measurement Science and Technology, 2023, 卷号: 34, 期号: 5
作者:  J. Li;  H. Lin;  Y. Huang;  M. Yu;  J. Luo;  Z. Xiao;  Z. Wang and Y. Wu
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Molecular conformation modulating luminescence switching between delayed fluorescence and room-temperature phosphorescence 期刊论文
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 卷号: 9, 期号: 48, 页码: 17511-17517
作者:  Y. Wen;  S. Xiao;  H. Liu;  X. Tian;  J. De;  T. Lu;  Z. Yang;  D. Zou;  Y. Lv;  S.-T. Zhang;  Q. Su and B. Yang
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Thermal Effects in Single-Point Curing Process for Pulsed Infrared Laser-Assisted 3D Printing of Optics 期刊论文
3d Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 2020, 卷号: 7, 期号: 4, 页码: 151-161
作者:  Z. X. Li,Z. H. Hong,Y. Xiao,Q. Hao and R. G. Liang
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Experimental Demonstration of Single Sideband Modulation Utilizing Monolithic Integrated Injection Locked DFB Laser 期刊论文
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2020, 卷号: 38, 期号: 7, 页码: 1809-1816
作者:  Y. S. Zhang,B. C. Yuan,L. Y. Li,J. Zeng,Z. J. Shang,J. L. Zheng,L. Zuye,S. J. Guan,X. Zhang,R. L. Xiao,T. Fang,Y. C. Shi,H. Zou,J. P. Shen and X. F. Chen
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An efficient green phosphor of Ce3+ and Tb3+-codoped Ba2Lu5B5O17 and a model for elucidating the high thermal stability of the green emission 期刊论文
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018, 卷号: 6, 期号: 22, 页码: 5984-5991
作者:  Xiao, Y.;  Hao, Z. D.;  Zhang, L. L.;  Zhang, X.;  Pan, G. H.;  Wu, H.;  Wu, H. J.;  Luo, Y. S.;  Zhang, J. H.
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blue-emitting phosphor  color tunable emission  energy-transfer  white-light  luminescence properties  tb3+  photoluminescence  state  relaxation  diodes  Materials Science  Physics  
Er3+Yb3+ codoped phosphor Ba3Y4O9 with intense red upconversion emission and optical temperature sensing behavior 期刊论文
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018, 卷号: 6, 期号: 13, 页码: 3459-3467
作者:  Wu, H.;  Hao, Z. D.;  Zhang, L. L.;  Zhang, X.;  Xiao, Y.;  Pan, G. H.;  Wu, H. J.;  Luo, Y. S.;  Zhang, L. G.;  Zhang, J. H.
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in-vivo  excitation-energy  la2o2s phosphor  hollow spheres  nanoparticles  nanocrystals  luminescence  thermometry  lanthanide  core  Materials Science  Physics  
Phonon Energy Dependent Energy Transfer Upconversion for the Red Emission in the Er3+/Yb3+ System 期刊论文
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 卷号: 122, 期号: 17, 页码: 9611-9618
作者:  Wu, H.;  Hao, Z. D.;  Zhang, L. L.;  Zhang, X.;  Xiao, Y.;  Pan, G. H.;  Wu, H. J.;  Luo, Y. S.;  Zhao, H. F.;  Zhang, J. H.
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in-vivo  luminescence properties  fluoride-crystals  drug-delivery  quantum yield  nanoparticles  lanthanide  excitation  nanocrystals  temperature  
A highly efficient and thermally stable green phosphor (Lu2SrAl4SiO12Ce3+) for full-spectrum white LEDs 期刊论文
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018, 卷号: 6, 期号: 45, 页码: 12159-12163
作者:  Xiao, Y.;  Xiao, W. G.;  Zhang, L. L.;  Hao, Z. D.;  Pan, G. H.;  Yang, Y.;  Zhang, X.;  Zhang, J. H.
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photoluminescence properties  luminescence properties  structural  rigidity  garnet phosphor  temperature  state  Materials Science  Physics