当前检索式 ((ALL:Wei, L.))
限定条件 ((收录类别:EI))
Journal of Alloys an 9 Applied Surface Scie 5 Guangxue Xuebao/Acta 5
Applied Optics 4 Applied Physics Lett 4 Guangxue Jingmi Gong 4
Guangzi Xuebao/Acta 4 Hongwai yu Jiguang G 4 Journal of Materials 4
Journal of Nanoscien 4 Journal of Physics D 4 Nanoscience and Nano 4
Optics Communication 4 Optics Letters 4 Journal of Applied P 3
Journal of the Optic 3 Acs Applied Material 2 Chemical Engineering 2
Journal of Luminesce 2 Journal of Solid Sta 2