当前检索式 ((ALL:R. D. Wang))
限定条件 ((发表日期:2022) AND (语种:英语))
Remote Sensing 4 Dalton Transactions 2 Acs Photonics 1
Advanced Materials 1 Aip Advances 1 Apl Materials 1
Astronomical Journal 1 Atmospheric Measurem 1 Biomedical Optics Ex 1
Chemical Communicati 1 Classical and Quantu 1 Ieee Photonics Journ 1
Ieee Photonics Techn 1 Ieee Transactions on 1 Iet Control Theory a 1
Inorganic Chemistry 1 Isa Transactions 1 Journal of the Optic 1
Molecules 1 Optics and Lasers in 1