当前检索式 ((ALL:Wang, T. T.))
限定条件 ((发表日期:2017) AND (语种:英语) AND (文献类型:期刊论文))
Optics Express 6 Rsc Advances 3 Scientific Reports 3
Applied Optics 2 Inorganic Chemistry 2 International Journa 2
Nanoscale Research L 2 Neuroscience Letters 2 Optical Engineering 2
Organic Electronics 2 Applied Physics Expr 1 Carbon 1
Chemical Research in 1 Chinese Optics Lette 1 Current Optics and P 1
Electrophoresis 1 Frontiers in Computa 1 Frontiers of Informa 1
High Technology Lett 1 Ieee Photonics Journ 1