当前检索式 ((ALL:J. J. Li))
限定条件 ((发表日期:2005) AND (文献类型:期刊论文))
液晶与显示 4 Chinese Journal of C 2 Journal of Crystal G 2
Journal of Nonlinear 2 Solid State Communic 2 光学精密工程 2
Applied Optics 1 Applied Physics A: M 1 Applied Physics a-Ma 1
Chemical Research in 1 Chinese Chemical Let 1 Chinese Journal of G 1
Chinese Physics Lett 1 Colloids and Surface 1 Communications in Th 1
Ieee Photonics Techn 1 Journal of Colloid a 1 Journal of Infrared 1
Journal of Physics D 1 Journal of the Ameri 1