当前检索式 ((ALL:Y. Song and L. J. Wang))
限定条件 ((收录类别:SCI))
Applied Sciences-Bas 7 Optics Express 6 Crystals 3
Ieee Photonics Journ 3 Sensors 3 Chinese Physics B 2
Light-Science & Appl 2 Research in Astronom 2 ACS Applied Material 1
ACS Nano 1 Acta Physica Sinica 1 Advanced Materials 1
Advanced Optical Mat 1 Applied Physics Lett 1 Astrophysical Journa 1
Biosensors & Bioelec 1 Biosensors and Bioel 1 Chinese Optics Lette 1
Frontiers in Cell an 1 Frontiers of Informa 1