当前检索式 ((ALL:Z. S. Su))
限定条件 ((收录类别:EI) AND (语种:英语) AND (专题:中科院长春光机所知识产出))
Applied Physics Lett 15 Organic Electronics 11 Journal of Physics D 4
Thin Solid Films 4 Acs Applied Material 3 Physica B-Condensed 3
Synthetic Metals 3 Applied Surface Scie 2 Rsc Advances 2
Solar Energy Materia 2 Solid-State Electron 2 Journal of Alloys an 1
Journal of Crystal G 1 Journal of Luminesce 1 Journal of Materials 1
Journal of Nanoscien 1 Journal of the Elect 1 Materials Chemistry 1
Materials Letters 1 Materials Research E 1