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限定条件 ((收录类别:EI) AND (发表日期:2018) AND (文献类型:期刊论文))
Applied Spectroscopy 2 Chinese Optics 2 Guangxue Jingmi Gong 2
Ieee Photonics Journ 2 Advanced Engineering 1 Advanced Optical Mat 1
Applied Optics 1 Applied Physics B-La 1 Cirp Annals-Manufact 1
Faguang Xuebao/Chine 1 Guangzi Xuebao/Acta 1 Hongwai yu Jiguang G 1
International Journa 1 Isprs Journal of Pho 1 Journal of Computati 1
Journal of Materials 1 Journal of Nanoparti 1 Light: Science and A 1
Nano Research 1 Optical Engineering 1