当前检索式 ((ALL:iterative algorithm))
限定条件 ((收录类别:EI) AND (发表日期:2017) AND (语种:英语))
Applied Optics 7 Optics Communication 5 Optical Engineering 2
Optoelectronics Lett 2 Scientific Reports 2 Sensors 2
Applied Physics a-Ma 1 Applied Spectroscopy 1 CEAS Aeronautical Jo 1
Communications in Co 1 Current Optics and P 1 Iet Control Theory a 1
Information (Switzer 1 Journal of Modern Op 1 Lasers in Engineerin 1
Micromachines 1 Optics Express 1 Optics and Laser Tec 1
Optik 1 Proceedings of the I 1