当前检索式 ((ALL:Optical fibers))
限定条件 ((收录类别:EI) AND (收录类别:SCI) AND (发表日期:2021))
Optics Express 4 Optics and Laser Tec 3 Journal of Lightwave 2
Journal of Luminesce 2 Measurement: Journal 2 Sensors and Actuator 2
Advanced Materials 1 Applied Optics 1 Biosensors and Bioel 1
Ceramics Internation 1 Composites Part A: A 1 IEEE Access 1
IEEE Photonics Journ 1 Ieee Sensors Journal 1 Journal of Membrane 1
Materials 1 Micromachines 1 Nature Nanotechnolog 1
Optical Materials Ex 1 Optics Communication 1