当前检索式 ((ALL:Antennas))
限定条件 ((收录类别:EI) AND (收录类别:SCI) AND (发表日期:2018))
Optics Communication 2 Optics Express 2 Optik 2
Applied Optics 1 Chinese Optics Lette 1 International Journa 1
International Journa 1 International Journa 1 Journal of Luminesce 1
Journal of Physical 1 Journal of the Optic 1 Light-Science & Appl 1
Measurement 1 Nanotechnology 1 Optical Engineering 1
Optical Materials 1 Optics Letters 1 Optics and Laser Tec 1
Rsc Advances 1 Shock and Vibration 1