当前检索式 ((ALL:Liu J.))
限定条件 ((收录类别:EI) AND (收录类别:SCI) AND (发表日期:2009))
Journal of Alloys an 3 Ieee Photonics Techn 2 Journal of Colloid a 2
Journal of Physical 2 Materials Research B 2 Applied Optics 1
Applied Physics Lett 1 Applied Surface Scie 1 Finite Elements in A 1
Journal of Applied P 1 Journal of Luminesce 1 Journal of Materials 1
Journal of Nanoscien 1 Journal of Physics D 1 Journal of Physics-C 1
Journal of Sol-Gel S 1 Laser Physics 1 Microsystem Technolo 1
Optics Express 1 Organic Electronics 1