Time-Frequency Analysis and Type Identification of High-Density Communication Countermeasure Electronic Signals
H. F. Yuan; L. Huang; G. L. Si; Y. Lv; T. Nie and C. X. Liu
Source PublicationTraitement Du Signal
AbstractWith the development of communication technology, the electronic signals of communication countermeasures become more and more complex. Facing the increasingly complicated and changeable environment of such signals, the existing cluster analysis algorithms cannot identify the type of communication countermeasure electronic signals ideally. Therefore, this paper carries out the time-frequency analysis and type identification of high-density communication countermeasure electronic signals. The signals were analyzed in both time and frequency domains to extract the time frequency features of the signals more accurately. In this way, the authors captured the variation of non-stationary communication electronic signals in both time and frequency domains. Next, the pulse repetition interval (PRI) transform, a typical pulse repetition frequency (PRF) type identification algorithm, was modified, and applied to the type identification of communication electronic signals, followed by an illustration of the type identification of high-density communication countermeasure electronic signals. After that, several experiments were carried out to compare the absolute errors and relative errors of different time-frequency analysis methods, and contrast the effects of the original and modified PRI transforms, revealing the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
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GB/T 7714
H. F. Yuan,L. Huang,G. L. Si,et al. Time-Frequency Analysis and Type Identification of High-Density Communication Countermeasure Electronic Signals[J]. Traitement Du Signal,2022,39(2):723-729.
APA H. F. Yuan,L. Huang,G. L. Si,Y. Lv,&T. Nie and C. X. Liu.(2022).Time-Frequency Analysis and Type Identification of High-Density Communication Countermeasure Electronic Signals.Traitement Du Signal,39(2),723-729.
MLA H. F. Yuan,et al."Time-Frequency Analysis and Type Identification of High-Density Communication Countermeasure Electronic Signals".Traitement Du Signal 39.2(2022):723-729.
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