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Analysis on reconstruction of virtual images of Fourier telescopy
S. H. Yu; L. Dong; X. Y. Liu and J. Y. Ling
发表期刊Acta Physica Sinica
其他摘要Four ier  tel es co py  can r ea li zehigh r es ol ut io ni magi ng to  remo t e , smal l anddim t ar getby usi ng lase ras  t he li ght s our ce .Th es ig nal -t o- no is era ti o of i magi ng s y st e mis easy t oi mpr ove b y in cr e as i ng t hea r ea of r e cei ve r . Howeve r , numer i cal s imul ati on s h ows tha t the re con st ru cti on im age ssomet imeshas av irtu al ph en omenon . It re duces t he quali ty ofr e co nstr uct i on image s , andeve ncan no thave a reso luti on t ot he ima ging target .B ased onFouri er te les co py imaging pr in c ip le , us ing T typ et r ansmit t in ga rray,  th e reaso no f formi ng vir t ual  images  is ind ic at ed b y ma th emat ical  deduct i on . Thes p at ial f req uency e rr or  betwee nt heac tual  g ett i ng an ds et t ing  wo uld be  produced when t he las e r b eamss ca nt he x or y axi swit h  pi tcher ror .Theerr o r wou ld caus e th e randomp has e in fluenc ewh en calcu lati ng the s i ngl e Fo uri er  fr e que ncy of targ etby us in gp has ecl o sure on the ax is and quadrants c an .Us ing i nte gr at ed sp at i alfre que ncyof tran smit t er ar r ay t or econs tr uct t hei ma geo f t arge t woul dca us eav ir t ual p he nomenon .B y co nt r as t in gr eco ns tr uct io n ima ges it i s fou nd that th eimag e  qu al ity i s r educ edser iously,  event he vir tual  p hen omeno napp ears whe n the tr a nsmi tt i ng s ys t em i s axiall y s can nedwit h , pi tch er r or , ai rd it dec r ea ses s li ght l y o n quadrant s can . I nt h e p re sent pape r ,  we  consi der  t here ason of t he pha s ecl os ur e of q uadr anto f T typ e tr ans mi tt i n g ar r ay  r el i es on axi al fre quency.At the s ame pi tcher ro r ,  dif fere nts can me t hodswouldca us edi ffer ent r eco ns truc ti on i mage s .The dir ect ions o f virt ual  i mage sar e t he s ame wit hi n th eaxi al er ror . The c omput er s i mul at ion confirms t hevali di ty of thea bove ana lys is by thr eediferent mo des of  tr ansmi tt er ar r ay thro ugh , us in g t he n ext fi eld expe r ime nt p ar amet er s
GB/T 7714
S. H. Yu,L. Dong,X. Y. Liu and J. Y. Ling. Analysis on reconstruction of virtual images of Fourier telescopy[J]. Acta Physica Sinica,2015,64(18).
APA S. H. Yu,L. Dong,&X. Y. Liu and J. Y. Ling.(2015).Analysis on reconstruction of virtual images of Fourier telescopy.Acta Physica Sinica,64(18).
MLA S. H. Yu,et al."Analysis on reconstruction of virtual images of Fourier telescopy".Acta Physica Sinica 64.18(2015).
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